Whistleblowing and Complaints
TEVIN aims to be a transparent organization, providing high-quality service to implementing organizations, consultants and other clients. Our procedures are designed to be reliable, transparent and accountable.
Besides that, we never accept inappropriate behavior in or by our organization. A work climate characterized by openness, commitment and trust is essential for TEVIN employees and the entire organization. That is why all TEVIN employees, implementing organizations and service providers are obliged to comply with the legal requirements and abide by the common social norms and values as set out in our Code of Conduct, signed by everyone who works for TEVIN , even through partnerships.
TEVIN also seeks to maintain the highest standards of financial management and accountability. We therefore have zero tolerance for any form of corruption, theft, fraud or dishonesty.
If you feel you are poorly treated by TEVIN, a TEVIN employee, our implementing partners or suppliers, or if you have any other grievance regarding TEVIN or the services we provide, you can file a complaint. This will help us solve each problem, learn from our mistakes and continue to improve our performance. Any suggestions for improvement are also welcome.
To make the complaint click here